:( Complaint - Beit Bridge Road Border Post
Beit Bridge Road Border Post
Report Date
17 Jul 2017 at 07:26hrs
Nature of complaints
Bad Attitude
Incident Date
03 Jul 2017
Person Responsible
Corrupt and Racist Officials at Beit Bridge Road Border
Compassionate Traveller
I am a South African, who have compassion on the people of Zimbabwe. We went on a recent outreach to your country, and I was appalled at the police and the customs officials. On the way in, the police wouldn't let us through customs unless we paid a bribe. We declined, and said that we were a church on an outreach. Eventually they let us through. It took almost six hours.

On the way back, the blatant racism of the official was evident. The man sat behind his window, and insisted that I push the whole of my arm through the window to put my passport inside his hand. I thought it was illegal to reach to the other side of the counter. He was too lazy and too apprehensive to pick up the passport and gate pass I put through the window at the counter (which was his job). He then demanded an apology and threatened that I was not to teach him anything. What's that about? I am a traveller who went to your country for the sole purpose of helping your people. I just think if your country wants the money and assitance of the outside world, you need to look at the first and last impressions you impart at your borders. It made me feel like never ever putting my feet in your country again. I think it stinks, and you probably won't get me back there with wild horses.
(Inappropriate report?)

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